Elles ont expérimenté l'expérience SHINE
Enter a Heading
This is a paragraph. Click edit and enter your own text. You can make changes like making the text bold, underline or italic. This is a great place for you to tell your clients more about your story and to describe the type of photographer you are. You can come back at any time to make more changes.
Enter a Heading
This is a paragraph. Click edit and enter your own text. You can make changes like making the text bold, underline or italic. This is a great place for you to tell your clients more about your story and to describe the type of photographer you are. You can come back at any time to make more changes.
Enter a Heading
This is a paragraph. Click edit and enter your own text. You can make changes like making the text bold, underline or italic. This is a great place for you to tell your clients more about your story and to describe the type of photographer you are. You can come back at any time to make more changes.
Enter a Heading
This is a paragraph. Click edit and enter your own text. You can make changes like making the text bold, underline or italic. This is a great place for you to tell your clients more about your story and to describe the type of photographer you are. You can come back at any time to make more changes.
- Partage de connaissances autour des hormones
- Connexion au corps
- Introspection
- Pratique de selfcare
- Partages autour de l’archétype associé à la phase explorée
De 19h à 21h aux dates suivantes
- 17 mai - L’enchanteresse
- 14 juin - La mère
- 19 juillet - Le femme sage
- 16 août - La jeune fille
Ouvert à toutes
Pour toutes les femmes qui souhaitent :
- Partager un espace de sororité
- En apprendre plus sur le cycle féminin
- Prendre du temps pour se connecter à soi
Uma Yoga Shala, un magnifique cocon à Laleu
2 Rue des Rivauds, 17000 La Rochelle
8 femmes maximum par cercle
40 euros par cercle
130 euros pour les 4 cercles
Inscriptions par mail à hello@alexlagueste.com ou par téléphone 06-95-39-75-44
Au plaisir de créer ensemble une bulle de douceur et de bienveillance.